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Conference on Advancing Connectivity

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), on behalf of the European Commission’s EU4Energy Programme – “Promoting the Clean Energy Transition in the Eastern Partnership Countries” – and in cooperation with the Balkan Energy School is welcoming the High-Level Conference on Advancing Connectivity: Fostering Interconnection Capacities and EU Integration of the Eastern Partnership. The conference will take place on 24-25 September 2024 in Rome, Italy.

The event aims to support the European Union’s commitment to enhancing connectivity within and beyond its borders. It will emphasise the importance and potential benefits of cross-border connection capacities for regional and EU integration, with a special focus on the Eastern Partnership. On the second day, participants will have the opportunity to visit the National Control Center of the Italian Transmission System Operator, TERNA S.p.A., where they will be introduced to the technical aspects of the Italy-Montenegro underwater electricity cable operation. Additionally, the conference will foster dialogue among EU institutions, policymakers, regulatory authorities, and experts to facilitate the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.

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